.Pie in a Pinch

Who to call when you get the midnight anchovy urge

music in the park, psychedelic furs

Last year, right around this time, the Bohemian held its annual Best Of winners’ party at the Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa. As often happens at these sorts of work-play events, I hardly ate a darned thing all night, just a few noshes off a tray. Happens all the time. By the end of the party, I was famished. I had a hotel room booked nearby, but by the time I got back to it, the kitchen was closed and room service had called it a night.

This is where your friends at NY Pie come in. They are expert at the desperate nocturnal pie for one, delivered speedily. The front desk receptionist handed me a flier for the pizzeria, which reminded me that they deliver a pie until 3am. And deliver they did, with anchovies.

A slice at NY Pie will run you about $3 for a big, gloopy offering in a triangular one-slice box (a very Sbarro’s gesture). But NY Pie’s been closed for a couple weeks while it expands into an adjacent space at its Brookwood Avenue digs, a few steps up from the dry cleaner and Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant. I stopped by the other day for a slice, but the whole place was torn up, the ovens cold, and the owner said to check in
for the grand reopening scheduled for
March 17. He promised lots of new tap beers and deliveries that will continue to stretch deep into the hunger-pang night. NY Pie,
65 Brookwood Ave., Santa Rosa. 707.526.9743.


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North Bay Bohemian E-edition North Bay Bohemian E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs