.Kenneth Cleaver

music in the park, psychedelic furs

Consumer Correspondent

Ms. Margaret E. Kozan Holland & Knight Consulting 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 2600 Orlando, FL 32801

Dear Ms. Kozan:

A dear friend is slated to be wed this fall, and while arrangements are set to her satisfaction, she finds herself ensconced in an unusual crisis. The maid of honor, one Sarah R. Dinffler, has staged a highly effective coup d’état amongst the bride’s party. What started as an overbearing personality asserting her self-professed expertise on floral decoration, table setting, and limousine service has now mutated into an unfounded demand for a “producer credit.” While not previously known as an upstart, Ms. Dinffler has used her political cunning to recruit three of the four bridesmaids into her camp, voicing their newfound demands for union representation.

I have advised the bride not to concede the credit. To my knowledge, a title credit of this significance sets lifelong precedence. Should it be granted to Ms. Dinffler, it may prohibit the bride from attaining it in future nuptials. In any event, legal counsel appears inevitable, and on the bride’s behalf I would be most grateful if you could promptly respond with a summary proposal of your firm’s services.

Sincerely, Kenneth Cleaver

Dear Mr. Cleaver:

Thank you for your inquiry. Holland & Knight LLP is not able to provide legal assistance to you at this time. Please be advised that my receipt of your letter and this response has not established an attorney-client relationship between you and Holland & Knight and that you should not consider yourself a client of the firm.

We wish you well in your search for an attorney to represent you!

Very truly yours, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP Margaret E. Kozan

From the August 16-22, 2001 issue of the Northern California Bohemian.

© Metro Publishing Inc.


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North Bay Bohemian E-edition North Bay Bohemian E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs