The children of Cascade Canyon School receive a rare treat this weekend, as the star attraction performing at their Kidzstock fundraiser is none other than Joan Baez. Or perhaps it’s more a treat for the parents—do the kids know or care about Baez? On thing they do know is they’ll be playing to a packed crowd. The non-’60s-icon segment of the day’s lineup includes teen and preteen bands and singers, including Third Rock, the County Boys Marimba Band, After Class, Miss Modest and Vote for Pedro. If the carnival games, henna tattoos, food booths and raffle items aren’t sufficient to lure you into hours’ worth of singing children, be advised that Baez takes the stage at 4pm for an hour-long set on Saturday, June 19, at Cascade Canyon School. 2626 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax. 10am–7pm. $10–$25. 415.339.8488.
.June 19: Joan Baez at Cascade Canyon School