In 1992, the Southern heavy metal band Jackyl released “The Lumberjack,” a song with a chainsaw solo. That’s really all you need to know about Jackyl. Sure, they had some other songs. (Ahem, “She Loves My Cock,” “My Moonshine Kicks Your Cocaine’s Ass,” “Just Like a Negro.”) Sure, they’re starring in some not-popular reality show about the Sturgis bike rally. But when the subject of Jackyl comes up, all you have to do is say “Yeah, dude, they had that chainsaw song.” But if you truly want to be an authority on Jackyl? You could see them live and onstage, when singer Jesse James Dupree “plays” the chainsaw while performing “The Lumberjack,” on Thursday, Jan. 26, at the Last Day Saloon. 120 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. 8:30pm. $17—$20. 707.545.2343.