.Your Letters, May 1


Thanks for the 420 history (April 17 Pacific Sun). There was another early pot fellowship at San Diego State College back in 1965. We were “The Eagles” because one of us called a meeting by announcing that there would be “a gathering of eagles” that evening, signaling that we would get high and “fly.”

I was “The Condor,” as I was tall, skinny and had come into the circle a little later than the others, who had met at Point Loma High School. We hung out at a large table in the West Commons, where we discussed literature and philosophized about women. It was summer school. We later called it “The Long Pot Summer of ’65.”

Our Mexican pot came in 1-ounce baggies for $10 and was full of sticks and seeds that we could germinate. “Colas” and “buds” were unheard of. We wore Dr. Pepper bottle caps stuck to our shirts, using the old cork liners inside. The corporate name meant a prescription of Dr. Pepper to be swallowed at “10, 2, 4,” but our joke was a double entendre for taking a puff at those times.

We did not become widely known. But just think, if the rock group, The Eagles, had existed and known one of us back then.

Daniel Keller

San Rafael

Driven Mad

The CEO of Tesla says the firm is not a car company. Rather, Tesla is a tech firm. If Tesla builds tech (robotics, self-driving applications, etc.) the way it has built cars, then we should be worried, given the tech “glitches” Tesla has had to overcome.

Gary Sciford

Santa Rosa

Corrections Dept.

In the article titled “Everybody Welcome” (April 24, 2024, Bohemian), we mischaracterized Emily Hope Parker as an “advocate for the disabled” instead of an “advocate for inclusion.” We apologize for the use of “disabled persons” instead of the preferred term “people with disabilities” as advocated by Ms. Parker. It’s important to note Ms. Parker did not say the quoted statements attributed to her in the article. Alchemia was inaccurately portrayed as a non-profit partner to the Inclusion Festival; when in fact Inclusive Compass holds that role. We apologize to Ms. Parker, Inclusive Compass, Alchemia, and our readers.


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