.Your Letters, 2/26

Parroting Points

The current failing and corrupt administration has parroted Moscow’s irony-laden talking points about the war and Ukraine’s president, who declared martial law at the onset of Russia’s invasion, which prevented scheduled elections.

Once again, the U.S. is fawning over Vladimir Putin and Russia and sacrificing our world standing, endangering NATO and sowing doubt everywhere in the world about the level of commitment the U.S. is putting into agreements. 

Gary Sciford
Santa Rosa

Be the Change

Dear Trumpsters, committed MAGAs, and supine, lily-livered Republican congresspersons: It is said every nation gets the government it deserves. We did, in fact, elect the government now dismembering the institutions that have maintained American democracy pretty damn well for decades.

Some of us suspected what was coming. But many of us were seduced by the gilded flash, swagger and firehose of anti-establishment bullpucky that got our current president reelected. 

We were an angry polity in 2024. 2025? We’re getting more enraged by the hour. Please, those of you already disillusioned by what’s going on in D.C., if you’re having a change of heart, step up and own it. The country needs all of us in the trenches. 

Those of you having second thoughts could be the heroic backbone of a rapidly growing and historic resistance.

Anne Breckenridge Dorsey


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