.Your Letters, 2/19


As we take a break from the tule elk and dairy cow bashing today, here, in our Marin kingdom, it might be time to reflect on our new state of affairs in Armageddon 2.

Our felon-in-chief and his pet gerbil want to bring the world back to a time of no rainbows. No one had any idea that making America great again included a new condo development in a war zone. Maybe that will solve the issue of homelessness for us.

Even his most greedy and ignorant minions out there realize that there is not a single personal characteristic of His Highness that they would want to pass down to their children, except for that hurricane-proof hairdo, of course.

As we all continue to pray and do our part in helping our hard-working neighbors provide for a better world, we must realize that the system and Amazon will not take care of us. It is our fault, or at least Canada’s, that it has gotten us to this point.

Let’s be clear—no one is advocating violence against anybody or anyone at any time—but the spiritual powers lingering might’ve been sending a message on that regrettable Pennsylvania day that if you don’t shape up, you might get shipped out. One inch can be a huge thing.

As we spin back into our comfortable Marin bubble, local historians and JFK would like to thank the ranchers of Point Reyes, who signed the original leases to provide the funding that made the national seashore possible. The tule elk obviously could not find a good attorney at that time.

As I pull my tongue from my cheek, I wonder, shouldn’t that Ukraine war be over by now?

Smile and kiss your local firefighter today.

Thomas Hunter


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