Best known for his eponymous TV show, Dave Chappelle’s stand-up comedy style is frequently raunchy, constantly hilarious, and oftentimes explores sophisticated issues surrounding race. At a recent performance in Hartford, Conn., Chappelle was drowned out by a predominantly white audience of crude hecklers that he later called an “arena full of suburban torturers and young, white alcoholics.” Chappelle had no problem plopping down onto a stool, lighting one up, and reading a few excerpts from a book tossed at him by an audience member to kill time, proving that an expensive ticket doesn’t give a crowd the right to be disruptive and rude. One of the most clever comedians of our time, Chappelle plays two sold-out shows on Sunday, Oct. 13, at the Wells Fargo Center. 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. 7pm and 10pm. Sold out (at press time, tickets on StubHub start at $100). 707.546.3600.