There is a defiant jubilance to the fact that the Pacific Pinball Expo, now in its fourth year, takes place in the shadow of George Lucas’ ranch in Marin County. After all, it was Lucas who helped kill the pinball division of the Williams company after his incessant interference on their production of the Star Wars: Episode I pinball game rendered the machine costly, technically unrefined and altogether unpopular. Hundreds upon hundreds of other, better pinball games will be on display this weekend at the expo, which brings together collectors and enthusiasts for a mind-blowing cacophony of bells, solenoids, plunger springs and multiball alerts echoing throughout the exhibition hall. Games are free with admission Friday–Sunday, Oct. 1–3, at the Marin Center. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 10am daily. $15–$25 daily. 510.769.1349.
.Oct. 1-3: Pacific Pinball Expo at the Marin Center