.The Most Expensive Listings in Sonoma County, California

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When you think of Sonoma County, in Northern California, you think of sprawling hills, vineyards, relaxing spas and acclaimed food. Located just 30 miles north of San Francisco, there are more than 425 wineries, amazing hiking trails through the redwoods, and beautiful homes along the Pacific Coast. Unfortunately, the cost of living isn’t cheap. 

According to the Council for Community and Economic Research, the cost of living in Sonoma County is 52 percent higher than the national average. But typically it is more likely that you’re moving here from elsewhere in California and compared to the rest of California, the cost of living in Sonoma County is fractionally lower than the California average. Fractionally is the key word since things are still expensive here. Forbes magazine rates California as having the nation’s third-highest living costs behind Hawaii and Massachusetts. So it’s no wonder Sonoma Country has some of the most expensive homes in the country. 

We at Tomo, a real estate and mortgage company, wanted to know just how expensive, so we looked at the most recent homes on the market, and came up with this quick list of the 5 most expensive homes in Sonoma County. And, no, that is not a typo for the first home on our list—the sale price is $32.5 million, but what you get is beyond your wildest dreams. 

Here is Tomo’s List of the 5 most expensive listings in Sonoma County, CA:

AddressSale PriceSquare FeetAcres
7596 Sonoma Mountain Rd, Glen Ellen$32,500,00013,989156
2025 Redwood Hill Rd, Santa Rosa$10,900,0006,62257.29
20600 Broadway, Sonoma$8,850,0004,5344.0
1315 5th St E, Sonoma$7,800,0004,5972.2
97 Stone Crop Rch, The Sea Ranch$6,995,0004,650.94

Interested in other Real Estate Trends? 

Check out more real estate trend stories in Tomo’s series: 5 Places to Buy a Victorian Home, 12 Places to Buy a Beach House in Connecticut, or Best Cities for Flipping Houses. Looking for a home with more of a reasonable budget—see all our homes for sale in Sonoma County.

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