There’s no topic that humorist and author Dave Barry won’t take on, no matter how little he knows about it. The Pulitzer Prize—winning writer of a nationally syndicated column that ran for 22 years tackles everyday subjects like travel and money in humorous, insightful ways. Barry’s latest book, You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty, includes stories of parenthood and family in a fast-paced modern world. Looking back on chaperoning a Justin Bieber concert and bat mitzvahs alike, Barry offers up his signature witticism twice on March 14, first at noon at Book Passage as part of the store’s Literary Luncheon series (51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera; $55 with lunch and book; 415.927.0960), then at an evening appearance at the Mystic Theatre (23 Petaluma Blvd N., Petaluma; $15—$35; 707.765.2121) at 8pm.