.Letters to the Editor: Novemer 14, 2018

'The author's comment is so incredibly insensitive'

music in the park, psychedelic furs

to Light

The author’s comment about Pick of the Litter—”it almost makes me want to gouge out my eyeballs, grab a stick and be led around the county by a highly trained Labrador”—is so incredibly insensitive, it’s almost beyond belief (“Five Easy Splices,” Nov. 7). Yes, the puppies are cute and they’re actually gifts from heaven for the sightless, but that offhand remark is totally classless. The author should apologize for this lame attempt at humor.

Via Pacificsun.com

Gimme Charter

Both my daughters attended the Novato Charter School (“Midterm Exam,” Nov. 7). The director of 16 years, Rachael Bishop, and her vice-principal, Jeffrey Erkelens, ran the school with great circumspection and adherence to the rules laid out by both the district and the state. That said, the Novato Charter School never suffered controversy or had scandal stain its reputation and name. On the contrary, Bishop and Erkelens elevated Novato Charter to an award-winning school that served (and still does) as a model for how well charter public schools can operate and succeed.


Death Race 2018

Like most things in today’s world, it’s in with the new and out with the old. Driving is a good example of this. The “old” is formal driver’s training, which included parallel parking, that I undertook during my teen years in high school.

“New” is the lack of respect for rules of the road and unchecked driving skills. Just look at the behavior of drivers today:

• The “Stop” and “Yield” signs are merely suggestions, and are to be ignored if no one is near.

• The posted number on a speed limit sign is optional; the driver’s attitude and personality determine the actual speed.

• “Caution” and “Slow” signs mean slow down, at least to the posted speed limit.

• Stopping before turning right on red is done only if it necessary.

• Traffic coming out of driveways has the right of way.

• A high-end brand vehicle means that driving regulations don’t apply to this driver, so don’t expect any courtesy, but do expect to have your right of way violated.

• Changing lanes is done at will, and cutting off another driver is that driver’s misfortune.

• Signaling for a lane change or turning is done (if at all) during or after the action.

• Tailgating is a signal that the vehicle in front must move out of the way, no matter what the situation.

It seems that in order to survive, as I “share” the road, I have to learn how to drive all over again, per the list above. At this age, it’s going to be difficult, so cut me some slack as I take to the streets.

San Rafael

Write to us at [email protected].


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North Bay Bohemian E-edition North Bay Bohemian E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs