.Letters to the Editor: January 30, 2019

'Informative and inspiring'—well, thank you!

A Shoe-In

A well-written article (“Sole Man,” Jan. 23). This story was very informative and inspiring. Shows that dreams, they can come true.

Via Bohemian.com

How They

Consider the impact the gov’t shutdown must have had on the First Family, struggling to exist behind the White House fence: no pedicures, no manicures, no massages, no hair and makeup, no valet, no one to flip hamburgers, no one to empty the Oval Office wastebasket. Barron painfully cut off from his family. No one to walk the pets—oh, no pets, just Pence. OK, no one to pet Pence.


Life, Liberty, etc.

The next time some clown you know waxes eloquent about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, ask him whatever happened to the Nez Perce. And the Crow, Blackfoot, Shoshoni, Flathead, Chopunnish and the Ootlashoots. Ask him about the Paiute, Sioux, Apache, Comanche and the Iroquois. Ask to tell you about Captain Jack, Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Tecumseh and Sitting Bull. Ask him what happened to Custer. Ask him about the Yakima, Osage, Pomo, Miwok, Ohlone, Cayuse, Omaha and Cheyenne. Ask him about Fort Benton and Fort Mandan. And Gen. Sheridan. Go ahead, ask him.

San Rafael

Ideas Man

Dear Bohemian, I have comment I’d like to share: I just read tonight in the PD that Santa Rosa city leaders, I believe, are asking for help on ideas for the downtown area. I immediately started to laugh. I left Santa Rosa because of the stupidity of the leaders. I was there for 30 years. Leaders once did listen to their people. Not any more. Asking the public for help now is a joke. They should have done this long ago before putting in the town square. Compared to other squares in Sonoma County, this one is poorly designed. It was a hurry-up-and-get-it-done plan. And I’d like to know what happened to that fountain that they were planning to put back in—I heard it has disappeared. How do you lose a freaking fountain that big? My guess: probably in someone’s backyard.

Best idea, I believe, to help the downtown: help the homeless. That is what they should be asking for help on.



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