.Letters to the Editor: January 16, 2019

Something must have gone terribly wrong—no one's yelling at us this week

music in the park, psychedelic furs


I would like to thank Gretchen Giles for mentioning in her Jan. 2 letter to the editor that I picketed your publication. Actually, I and members of my group, Men & Women for Gender Justice, protested for a full day in front of your office. The reason that I am thanking her is because her editor, Greg Cahill, censored the protest even though he had his photographer take pictures of us. We were protesting the newspaper’s backlash against us, especially a hit piece on me penned by Cahill and Giles.

In my twenty-something years as a vocal advocate for men and boys, Giles takes the cake as the most hostile, misandrist and bigoted reporter who has ever interviewed me. Media critic Mark Rosenthal even said it “read like a hit piece” on KSRO talk radio. Ironically, the publication’s slogan at the time was “Uncensored.” I guess it never occurred to Giles that the current Bohemian staff would not know about our direct action because her boss Cahill censored it. But I see that given all your corrections of her claims in her diatribe that accuracy is still not her strong point.


Tom Tom Club

Mary Moore is right, The Paper did not sprout out of the Sonoma County Stump; it was a totally separate entity founded by Bliss Buys (Letters, Jan. 9). Mary, however, mixes up my name with Tom Richman. It was that Tom that helped start Sonomore Atomics and who co-founded The Paper with Elizabeth Poole. I wrote and followed Nick Valentine as editor of The Paper and covered many of the topics Mary mentions, so perhaps thereby lies the confusion.

I agree with Mary that it’s a shame your 40-year issue just barely skimmed The Paper‘s history. The Paper‘s coverage of peace and justice issues, the AIDS crisis, gay rights, the long sewer war with Santa Rosa, marijuana repression, and the battles to save our coast and redwoods, remains essential to the identity of west Sonoma County and should not be forgotten.


Alas, the name mixup was our own, not Ms. Moore’s. We apologize to Mary, both Toms and our readers for the confusion.


Eff Trope

Not at all surprised to hear someone call Trump a motherf—er, but instead of accurately reporting what was actually said, the print and broadcast media feel the need to modify it.

They dutifully extract the “–uck” because using the word in its entirety is considered offensive. Is this naïveté or a throwback to Puritanical behavior, or are we in denial?

It’s not like we don’t know what the three dashes are stand-ins for. Unless it’s impaired, the brain knows and “sees” the word as it is. Does the absence of those letters sanitize the word and make it acceptable? Who are we fooling? I say f–ck the FCC and these lame attempts at decorum. It’s time we started calling a sp–de a spade!

Monte Rio

Write to us at [email protected].


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North Bay Bohemian E-edition North Bay Bohemian E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs