Last month, things were not looking good for Hooded Fang. The Toronto-based indie band was all set to open a string of West Coast shows for famed guitarist Johnny Marr, when a family emergency meant Marr canceled the tour right after Hooded Fang arrived in California with all their gear. Turning life into lemonade, the resourceful four-piece instead carved out their own tour, traversing the coast in their van. Their infectious energy has made them an underground favorite, and their last album, 2013’s Gravez, is an underrated garage-punk party starter. Hooded Fang get the party started with support from Secret Cat and Basement Stares on Thursday, Jan. 15, at 775 After Dark,
775 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 8pm. $8. 707.829.2722.
.Jan. 15: Fangs in Sebastopol