.In Praise and Blame

Letters to the Editor Aug. 14, 2019

music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dirt Family Values

A very well written piece on my favorite place and people (“I Left My Heart in Uranium Springs,” Aug 7. 2019). Just one day with these people and they will become family. I have been going to End of Days events for nearly two years and I try to not miss any of them, especially Detonation. These people have become so much like family that we even make up smaller events in between big events just as an excuse to hang out with our “dirt family.”


Via Bohemian.com

Wireless Threats

I recently saw a list of around 70 new Verizon cellphone towers that are to be erected in Santa Rosa. Seems like the telecom industry is just rolling out technology as fast as it can, before it’s common knowledge that the technology isn’t without risk to our health. Although municipalities in Marin County are putting the brakes on cell towers, this kind of precautionary wisdom is spotty throughout the state. I wonder why the review process the Santa Rosa City Council uses is only concerned with aesthetics, like whether the tower should look like a eucalyptus or a pine tree, and not whether the technology is safe?

The $30 million dollar National Toxicology Program study’s chief finding is that non-ionizing (non-tissue heating) radiation causes adverse health effects, especially in children with developing nervous systems.
Seeing this list of tower construction left me momentarily hopeless, but then a mom spoke up about not wanting her kids to be exposed to disease-causing agents like wireless radiation. She had fire in her voice that moms get when their child is threatened. She’s talking with other moms to take action at school and minimizing her families exposure to wireless signals at home. Maybe the next million mom march will be on environmental health and safety issues?

I urge anyone interested in this topic to attend the free lecture, “Keeping safer in a wireless world.” It will be held at the Rincon Valley Library in Santa Rosa Aug. 17 at 2pm

Tom Thedoor

Via Bohemia.com


Nicole West’s letter (Aug. 7, 2019) dissing the grape people in Sonoma County does not provide any insight whatsoever into the problems associated with the grape growing industry. She claims that she is shocked to see “a person in a hazmat suit….spraying something from a tractor.” What does she think is a better way of protecting the person who is working? She claims to have “a background in ecology,” so why not provide the best safety gear available? Organic farmers do the same thing.

She claims that “birds, frogs, dragonflies, etc…” are being “eradicated” because of the spraying and goes on to say that vineyards are essentially “ecological dead zones.” She then states that “there is a link to this spraying” and child cancer rates in the county. This is totally undocumented B.S. written by a person who has a gripe with grape growers, but doesn’t come clean about it. And then she tries to take the Bohemian to task because you do not join her cause inferring that you do not realize you are “swimming in a toxic soup” because you are “lost somewhere between sips of Zin.”

The grape people are trying very hard to make to make the county a world-class destination. Nicole West should try to become part of the solution and quit complaining and fabricating info.

Paul Mikulich

Via Bohemian.com


SMART isn’t cutting it. Throwing more money at a loser makes no sense and should be stopped. We, the voters, made a bad decision the last time around. Maybe we were mislead. Let’s not compound the mistake again.

Art Hackworth


Write to us at [email protected].


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North Bay Bohemian E-edition North Bay Bohemian E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs