You’ve got to be pretty bold to write a song claiming to know what everybody on the face of the Earth wants. If you go for it, make sure it’s something vague, okay? Tears for Fears tried it with “Everybody Wants to Rule the World.” The Party of Five theme song announced everybody wants to be “closer to free.” Dean Martin sang that everybody needed somebody sometimes; R.E.M. averred that everybody hurts; Billy Joel remarked that everybody has a dream. But Shawn Mullins, whose 1998 one-hit-wonder “Rockabye” has been carbon-copied into his new single “Light You Up,” declares: “everybody wants a flatscreen.” Why, Shawn, why? Find out when he plays a free KRSH-FM radio-promotion show on Friday, Feb. 4, at Hopmonk Tavern. 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 6pm. Free. 707.829.7300.
.Feb. 4: Shawn Mullins at Hopmonk Tavern