They look utterly adorable, but the fact is the harbor seals and other marine mammals at Goat Rock State Beach suffer more from human (and unleashed dog) interaction than anything else. For 30 years, the Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods have monitored and protected those seals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. With pupping season upon us, the stewards are offering a pinnipeds (seals) presentation and seal-watch training this weekend. First, hear marine ecology expert Sarah Allen speak on the latest news concerning seals and sea lions, then learn how you can help protect them on Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Bodega Bay Fire Station, 510 Hwy. 1, Bodega. Talk ($20), 9am; orientation, 1pm. Registration required. 707.869.9177.
.Feb. 13: Seal Watch in Bodega