.Ever Dream of Being on Santa Rosa City Council? Now’s Your Chance!

Because anyone is better than Don Taylor, evidently, the Santa Rosa City Council is holding an open application process for Susan Gorin's seat.

music in the park, psychedelic furs


As Susan Gorin exits stage left for her new position on the Board of Supervisors, the Santa Rosa City Council is looking to fill her council appointment (it runs through December 2014) as quickly as possible. Tuesday’s council meeting saw the six current members deciding against a potentially expensive special election, or doing what might seem to be the sensible thing of filling the vacant seat with the November election’s fifth-place finisher (Omelette Express owner Don Taylor, who came ahead of Caroline Bañuelos in the final tally by only 17 votes). Man, the council really does not want Don Taylor behind the dais, do they?

Instead, the council has opened applications to all residents who are registered voters in Santa Rosa. This means you! For anyone who’s ever dreamed of having a little power in their hometown, or maybe yearns to become Santa Rosa’s answer to Leslie Knope, now’s the time. Applicants are required to fill out a nine-part questionnaire, which will be used as part of an interview process to take place on Jan. 28 and possibly Jan. 29, depending on the number of applicants.

Questions include: Why are you interested in this position? What particular skills do you bring to the Council? What are the top two pressing issues facing the City of Santa Rosa? How have you remained current and informed on City issues?

Be prepared to list personal involvement in community activities and potential economic conflicts of interest.

The new council member will tentatively be appointed at the Feb. 5 council meeting.

Along with the questionnaire, applicants must turn in a nomination form with the signatures of 20 registered voters.


For an application packet and more information contact:
Santa Rosa City Clerk
Santa Rosa City Hall, Room 10
100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa CA
(707) 543-3010

Applicants must be residents and registered voters of Santa Rosa and must file a Statement of Economic Interests, among other requirements.

Applications will be available starting Thursday, January 10.

The application deadline is Tuesday, January 22, 2013, at 5:30 p.m.


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