I tell you, there’s nothing like… utility overalls, an athletic hoodie and a newsboy cap?
Sure enough, that’s what David Lee Roth sported last night at Van Halen’s invite-only show at Cafe Wha? in Greenwich Village last night.
I’ve always rooted for Diamond Dave—’specially over the other guy—and sometimes I’ve wondered how he’d segue into middle age. Think about it: this outfit, basically, is the David Lee Roth version of khakis and a Bermuda shirt.
Below, “Hot for Teacher,” from last night.
.David Lee Roth’s New Look

Does anyone know the name brand of newsboy cap is that David is wearing? There’s a metal tag on the left side of the hat but I can not make it out.
After a long search, it appears that it is a “Wigens” brand Conny Fishbone Cap in brown herringbone. I found a link for one here: