.Kathleen Willett

Sep 9, 2015

The Red Menace

Every summer, recreational oyster and shellfish harvesters brace themselves for the period from May through October when red tides prohibit recreational shellfish harvesting in...
Aug 5, 2015

Where Eagles Dare

The morning fog was receding on Tomales Bay as a Debriefer correspondent and companions put-in with their kayaks and headed for a remote camping...
Jun 10, 2015

Whale Mystery

Walking Sonoma and Marin county beaches recently has yielded some unusual sights and smells. According to officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),...
Apr 15, 2015

Bury the Problem

What if it were possible to reverse climate change by efficiently disposing of diseased vineyards, dead trees and invasive plants? At the same time,...
Feb 11, 2015

What Ails the Whales

Heart's Desire beach on Tomales Bay is deserted this morning as my three companions and I put in our kayaks for a day of...
Nov 19, 2014

Light Fantastic

Tomales Bay is calm as our kayaks head swiftly and silently northward toward the mouth of the bay. It's about 10pm on a moonless...