For thousands of years, native people of North, Central and South America relied on seeds to maintain a rich agricultural lifestyle. Modern times increasingly threaten the viability and availability of these native seeds, though some seeds savers are successfully housing and propagating them for future generations. The Tesuque Pueblo Seed Bank in Santa Fe, N.M., is one of the world’s largest seed sanctuaries, and one man, Bolivian-born Emigdio Ballon, is behind it. His efforts are explored in the film ‘SEED: The Untold Story,’ directed by award-winning filmmaker Taggart Siegel, who appears live with Ballon for two special screenings and Q&As Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 6–7, at Summerfield Cinemas, 551 Summerfield Road,
Santa Rosa. 7pm. $8–$10.50. 707.525.8909.
.Sept. 6-7: Seed Story in Santa Rosa