.Rock Out with Kristen Tanner

Last week, I interviewed the local rock band Echolyptus. I continue this rock series this week with the Santa Rosa Mineral and Gems Society. Founded in ’76, the bicentennial year, this society’s open membership currently includes over 100 dues paying rockhounds. I spoke with gem fancier and membership chair Kristen Tanner about the local rock scene.

CH: By way of opening remarks, what can you say about our geology?

KT: I think it is fascinating that we have so many types of rock in this area and California

because we are on all of these fault zones. Correspondingly, all of these little mountains around

us have markedly different sediments—obsidian, chert and jaspers. There is agate beach and

moonstone beach, and jade beaches. You can even find fossils! We organize field trips to private land to surface collect or mine them with simple hand tools.

CH: An upshot to earthquakes, I guess!

KT: Yes. And it is the volcanic deposits in this area that are part of what makes our local soil so rich for gardening and cultivation.

CH: In addition to periodic field trips, you also have a monthly meeting?

KT: Yes, it is the first Wednesday at seven o’clock at Franklin Park. We generally have society

business and refreshments, a speaker, a lottery for rock specimens and rock equipment, and

member suiseki—which is the Japanese art of displaying rocks. Our recent speakers have included an expert in local jades, an expert in volcanics, and one on gold prospecting and gold


CH: Sounds rockin’. You’re at Franklin Park because you are currently between clubhouses?

KT: Yes. We lost our shop at the end of ’23. It contained rock saws, trim saws, grinders,

polishers—everything needed to take a rough rock and polish it into a gemstone. I myself like

to purchase rough rocks—Montana agates, Mexican agates, opals and turquoise—and make cabochons.

We also have tools for fitting gems into jewelry, including metal smithing and metal casting equipment. We also teach classes on how to use this equipment. It’s all in storage right now. We are a nonprofit, so we are currently looking for an old workshop or funky warehouse of 1 to 2 thousand square feet at below market rate for a long-term lease.

The Santa Rosa Mineral and Gems Society is looking for a new home. One can also help by attending their annual fundraising 47th Annual Gem & Mineral Show on Oct. 19 and 20 at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave., Santa Rosa. More info at srmgs.org/gemshow.php.


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