.Over: American Experiment

music in the park, psychedelic furs

To form a more imperfect union

The American experiment with democracy is over. By a slim margin, we have encouraged the dismantling of our imperfect but mostly functional government by and for the people. 

We can never undo this loss. We are no longer the world leaders in democracy or freedom. We can no longer claim to be the land of opportunity or the beacon of freedom to the world. It turns out we are no better than any other fascistic country run by corruption and indifference to the benefits of law.

I grew up in a country where fairness and equality were virtues, something to aspire to. A country where truth, honesty and the notion that “all men are created equally” mattered. A country where compassion and loving one’s neighbor were viewed as the heights of being a good Christian.

In its place, we have a selfish baby-man intent on gaining notoriety, even if it means the destruction of the very freedoms our forefathers carved out of the subjugation and exploitation of our ancestors.

This hypocritical liar has utilized the well-studied and documented fascist playbook to convince people that their hard life is the result of immigrants coming to this country. 

Unfortunately, my Democratic brethren still think their good, rational arguments should outdo such an obvious emotional, intellectual shrimp.

There’s no consensual reality with a delusional liar. They live in a different world than you and I, so there’s no common ground to disagree. They simply lie and deny their way out of anything resembling consequences or the inconvenience of facts.

What most people don’t recognize is that the fabrication of a war between Democrats and MAGA Republicans makes it look like it’s us against them.

When the Billionaire Boys Club defines and shapes the concern about a “deep state,” it becomes nearly impossible to see whom or where the real deep state is. Making us see each other as the enemy ensures we don’t pause long enough to understand how this gives them permission to continue exploiting the human and natural world.

Empires come and go, and we are witnessing the decline of the American Empire. 

Kevin Russel lives in Santa Rosa.


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