If you haven’t checked out the North Bay Cabaret monthly variety show, now is the chance to experience the insanity in all its glory. This month marks the event’s one-year anniversary, and for this installment organizer Jake Ward and company are going big, taking on the CIA and UFOs in this risque “Illuminaughty”-themed show. Burlesque from Eva D’Luscious, fire performances, belly dancing, spoken word, live painting; there’s nothing the cabaret won’t delve into. And the fabulous Wonder Dave from Oakland troupe Tourettes Without Regrets headlines again with a performance inspired by the occult. The North Bay Cabaret get (illumi-)naughty on Friday, June 26, at Whiskey Tip, 1910 Sebastopol Road, Santa Rosa. 7pm. $10 (21 and over). 707.843.5535.
.Jun. 26: Conspiracy Cabaret in Santa Rosa