.Extreme Metal: Vorlust in SoCo

Vorlust is the moniker of one of the most ferocious East Bay heavy metal bands.

It features Marcelle Marais, aka “Cunnus,” on bass and lead vocals, Sonny Reinhardt on guitar and backing vocals, Dustin Ponko on guitar and Cody Stein on drums.

For those who’ve never seen Cunnus and company perform their unique brand of dirty, blackened metal live, prepare for songs steeped in the tradition of early Bulldozer, Venom and Possessed.

To get introduced to the group, their Lick The Flesh record on Transylvanian Tapes is a good point of entry. Also of worthy mention is their rather crudely recorded Beast EP/demo released in 2019. Fans of Reinhardt’s main band, Necrot, will go crazy for songs from LTF like “13th Circle” and “Creatura.”

The Bohemian caught up with the band’s fearless leader, Cunnus, as they readied themselves for a weekend of heavy metal shows in Santa Rosa and San Francisco.

Bohemian: I’ve played Lick The Flesh (2022) more than should be humanly allowed. Do you have a follow-up record planned for release in 2024?

Cunnus: We have new material that we’ve written and plan to record our new album in late 2024. We can’t tell you the album title yet, as that would give too much away. Some things are best kept a surprise.

Bohemian: Does Vorlust have more festival offers or new confirmations this year?

Cunnus: Yeah. We have some big things to be announced in the near future, including an upcoming tour and a festival appearance in Mexico City.

Bohemian: You’re doing an all-ages show here in Santa Rosa. Do you prefer all ages or 21 and over crowds?

Cunnus: All ages and underground shows are the best! Those always bring the best energy.

Bohemian: Sonny plays in Necrot and has some great shows on the horizon. Would you ever use a fill-in for just a show or two?

Cunnus: Sonny shreds and we’re stoked to have him be a part of our Beastly cave coven. The Vorlust Beast lives on no matter what.

Bohemian: What bands would you most like to be paired up with?

Cunnus: Solicitor, Bewitcher, Mercyful Fate, Bat, Goatwhore, Devil Master, Sex Messiah, Chthonic Deity, Vastum, Molder, Carcass, Cianide, Nifelheim, Spiter, Obituary, Hellfire, Hulder, Napalm Death and Midnight. The list is endless. There are so many great bands out there, and we’re stoked to be touring and being out on the road meeting so many great bands outside of the Bay Area.

Vorlust performs with Scythe (celebrating their ‘Mask Of Lies’ EP release party), Viscelator and Glacier Eater at The Arlene Francis Center, 99 6th St., Santa Rosa. 7pm Friday, Jan. 26. $15 at the door or via eventbrite.com. All ages welcome.


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