.Jennifer Wadsworth

Shelby Neubauer Santa Rosa, CA
Feb 3, 2021

Salons, Personal Care Services Got a Bad Rap in Pandemic, Industry Members Say

Workers in the beauty industry generally usually celebrate the holidays with more work. In a regular year, a surge of bookings can double or...
Feb 13, 2018

The Gav Guv

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is running for governor of California this year, and our colleague at our sister paper the Metro in San Jose,...
Jun 3, 2015

Small but Mighty

Bounded by the cluttered shelves of a mid-century, one-car garage, his laboratory for the time being, Tim McCormick tinkers with the 64-square-foot cube he...
Apr 22, 2015

Speech Therapy

Under Joe Decker's theocratic law, shrimp, oysters, scallops, winkles and clams would become a controlled substance. Eating or peddling shellfish of any kind would...