Alia Beeton
I flew backward on a bird through an embittered sky
Saw time upended, for the end had come and gone
Life quickened in the earth, which boldly tried
to push its shoots through the cracks toward a hidden sun
I saw the demons in their eyes, the serpents in their veins
They devoured her, she was devoured by greed
The world was full of poison riches liars fast obtained
as they mutated the magic, the grace of a simple seed
I’ve passed through seasons we don’t believe in anymore
I could tell you of the things that bankrupted the brain
This depth of desecration never did exist before
the age when we distorted, numbed, internalized the pain
Did you know that, when unmet, a mind will dessicate?
And when unused, a heart, as true as time, will atrophy
Without the pulse of love to fill our parts we’re desolate
We ache through every gaping hole for empathy
Expect the uninvited guest, pillager of the pristine
Don’t expect a miracle, the miracles have been cashed in
Like the ground post-carnival, don’t expect it to be clean
The siren song of sins, sung by winners who didn’t win
Everybody thinks she’s dormant, but I know what lies below
I’m the herald, the informant, telling you that all her torment,
Bubbling like bitter ferment,
is about to blow.
But there is something more, for this story never dies
While I’m floundering to make some sense of what’s to come
Life is quivering again, she says, it always tries
to push its shoots through the cracks toward a hidden sun
Alia Beeton is a singer-songwriter, actor and writer who blogs at We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 350 words considered for publication, write
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