Last but Not Least
It’s bad enough that Trump is taking the presidency along the path of personal dictatorship. It’s worse that a torrent of newspapers, tech corporations, judges, military brass, universities, priests and pastors are converting to his anti-republican gospel.
Even those leading the opposition have become weak-kneed and self-protective rather than community-minded and patriotic. Is there an idealist, a scholar, a citizen of common sense or uncommon valor, a religious law-fearing or secular law-fearing person of conscience left in America today? The reason for the evaporation of conscience is the cancer of acquisitiveness, the desire for riches, stature, power to come quickly by force.
Newspapers practice censorship, corporations push monopoly, professionals hide behind gated walls, celebrities flip-flop like politicians, politicians become demons of unrighteousness, the handsome and stunningly beautiful become cankered and ugly, the smiling exude only frowns born of confusion and lethargy.
Good has left the high ground to make way for a rising flood of evil and foolish pride. America has quit sanity, health, education, law, Constitution, family, citizenship and country, all to fulfill the vision of “America First,” which is just another name for people’s government last.
Kimball Shinkoskey
Sonoma County
Equal Blights
History buffs will recall that Josef Stalin, one of Trump’s role models, was a man of vision who championed equal rights. He believed that, since women should never be allowed to vote, men shouldn’t either.
Craig J. Corsini
San Rafael