.The ‘Annoying Facebook Photo-Posting Person of the Night’ Award

music in the park, psychedelic furs

The lights have dimmed, the group on stage has started playing, and the place is quiet. Dave Holland begins playing a soft note on his upright bass, repeating it, while drummer Eric Harland rattles out delicate, precise, quiet snare rolls. Over on the piano, the WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU KIDDING.
A bright light flashes next to me, a goddamn phone camera. The guy sitting next to me is taking a picture on his goddamn phone. With a flash. The kind of cheap flash that stays lit for two seconds, invading everyone’s view, currently ruining the opening moments of this concert. Jesus.
Did he not hear the announcer, mere minutes before, say “turn off your phones”? Did he not notice the multiple signs posted reading “No photography of any kind”?
No, he did not. He did not give a shit. He is that guy.
After the bright flash, I figure he’s utterly embarrassed and will put his phone away for good. I figure wrong, of course. Two songs later, while the place is quiet and polite and still, he pulls out his phone again and starts clicking away. The display screen raised high, in everybody’s vision, multiple tries to get the shot just right even though he’s too far away and the stage is poorly lit and the picture is destined to look like shit.
Then he opens Facebook on his phone. No joke, he is posting this crappy picture to Facebook, brightly, vividly, right in the middle of the show, while a dream band of jazz legends is playing. Does he even know what the band is called? No! That’s why he picks up the program and leafs through it to find the name of the group. “Dave Holland Overtone Quartet,” he types into a status update. He tags his girlfriend. He tags the Palace of Fine Arts. He posts the photo.
Fine, you’ve posted it, I think. Now put the phone away. But no, he starts scrolling through his feed, stroking the screen rhythmically with his thumb. With his other arm, he reaches over and places his hand on his girlfriend’s thigh, just to, like, you know, let her know that he cares about her as much as his phone. He is caressing his phone and his girlfriend at the same time as he is reading Facebook, his face alight with that blue phone glow so unmistakable in a dark theater.
After a while, he closes Facebook. He opens Twitter. For fuckin’ real? Yes, for real. He goes through the whole ritual again: type tweet, mention girlfriend and venue, upload photo, online look like a cool guy who does fun interesting cultural stuff but in real life be an irritating guy who doesn’t care about the fun interesting cultural stuff as much as he cares about appearing like the guy who does, even at the expense of all the people around him who do actually care about said fun interesting cultural stuff, etc. Then he scans through Twitter for a while, implementing the same pathetic hand-on-my-girlfriend’s-thigh maneuver while staring into his phone, and not at the stage, where incredible things are happening.
Without a doubt, everyone around me has noticed this guy, because he is impossible not to notice. But I’m probably the only one who went home, searched for “Dave Holland” on Twitter and found his cruddy photo, and, by extension, his name. So congratulations, Matt Jessell of San Francisco, you are the Annoying Facebook Photo-Posting Person of the Night. Why am I not surprised to learn that you’re in marketing? Hope this award strengthens your “personal brand.”


  1. I experienced this recently at an exhibit called Naked Women Reading, so there were NAKED WOMEN on the stage and ‘that guy’ was still posting shit on Facebook. I left disgusted.

  2. That happened to me at the LBC last time. I thought maybe the ushers would say something, as several of them were five feet away looking at him, but no. They didn’t give a shit. Good for you Gabe. People are losing the little manners they have. They think cell phones and Facebook don’t count as rude.

  3. I’m disappointed, this guy is *clearly* not as tech savvy as he’d like for his followers to think. I mean EVERYONE knows you link your social media sites. Multiple posts? That’s newbie stuff. Geesh!

  4. Hey Gabe, Sorry if I offended you. Was having a nice evening with my GF who I hadn’t seen all week, and was excited to share a bit of the experience with friends online. PS – were you sitting next to me? Pretty sure that I saw you take pictures with your camera.

    • Was there no SFJAZZ usher to stop this photo op from taking place? I would totally complain to the organization…

  5. Not sure what is more annoying about this – the a**hole taking the pictures, or the rest of the crowd who noticed, got angry, but did nothing (and then went home about it and posted an online rant about it).
    Camera phone guys in concerts or other events are annoying. Next time just tell him/her to stop. It’s that simple.


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North Bay Bohemian E-edition North Bay Bohemian E-edition
music in the park, psychedelic furs