

The striking photo of the beautiful blonde young ladies in the “Teen Time” article on page 9 of the Pacific Sun, dated May 11-17, really caught my eye. I think it is wonderful that the Marin Chapter of the National Charity League is doing so much to help those in need. It gives me hope for the future to see young people actually doing something tangible instead of just trying to outlaw plastic straws. These young ladies are making the world a better place.

However, I was struck by the over-representation of what must be Marin’s upper crust. Where are the Black and brown people?

In the name of diversity, equity and inclusion, we here in Marin have removed sculptures and changed the names of schools and roads, making people feel more comfortable and giving the appearance of real societal change. But things haven’t really changed. Rich white men marry beautiful white women and raise beautiful white children in the segregated neighborhoods of Marin. Let’s see a little color at the Corinthian Yacht Club.

Dino Colombo

Stinson Beach

Real Enemy

Are you paying attention? The party that purports to care about democracy is creating a national censorship board through the Department of Homeland Security and the party that purports to care about your rights is trying to remove the rights of women to control their own bodies. Both parties are driving us toward World War 3 while failing to help everyday Americans. Our biggest enemy isn’t Russia or North Korea or China, it’s our own government. Stop voting for them. Stop donating to their re-election campaigns. And turn off cable news.

Jason Kishineff

American Canyon


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