[Sonoma County Independent This Week]

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North Bay Brew Pub Guide

newspaper cover For the Week of
May 18-24, 2000

Cover: Heat Wave
Summer brings hot times to the North Bay arts scene.

News: River Watch
Russian River-area residents look the redevelopment gift horse in the mouth.

Usual Suspects: SRJC parking is a nightmare for some, a cash cow for others.

Saffron Satisfies: Flavors with a Spanish twist.

Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.

Double Trouble: Summer films make for odd bedfellows.

Twist and Turn: An optimist looks at life, rock-and-roll, ups and down, and the new film 'Where the Heart Is.'

Southern Rock Is Gonna Rise Again: The boisterous spirit of the Southern rock sub-genre is alive and well in this slick, postmodern, tech-geek age.

Orderly Conduct: As North Bay symphonies prepare for the summer season, four conductors reflect on the state of the art.

Get Jazzed: Complete program notes on the San Francisco Jazz Festival's spring season.

SF Club Guide: Disco divas, hip-hop connoisseurs and salsa suaves to flannel-clad pinball players, jazz luminaries and more from the City by the Bay.

Net Gain? Tape traders find the Internet provides a wide world of new musical resources.

Living Color: Calistoga artist Carlo Marchiori opens his stunning house to the public.

Mind Games: Einstein meets the artist in 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile.'

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