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For the Week of
April 20-26, 2005

Cover Story: Street Wise
Short cuts, secret rites and guerrilla-commuting tips for traversing the North Bay.

News: Asylum Granted
Prisoner's family comes to America.

The Byrne Report: Family Values.

Briefs: Out of the Woods.

Notes from the Underground: Annalee Newitz and the plight of privacy.

Rev: Real Earth Day: Though I had high hopes the United States would be blessed with the presence of the updated VW Microbus--we've been dissed!

Critic's Picks: A guide to the week's best arts, theater and music events.

Fight Night: Harley Jane Kozak gets a kick out of 'Miss Congeniality 2.'

Boiling with Soul: Nomeansno create punk-rock-jazz roadkill.

Dead Ahead: Phil Lesh goes truckin' through the past.

Soul in the Desert: On water, God and cactus fruit.

Swirl 'n' Spit: Murphy Goode Winery.

First Bite: SRJC Culinary Academy.

News of the Food: Pesach.

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