For the Week of April 23-29, 1998
Cover: Aye, Carumba
News: Tongue Twister KKKrime: DA rules out hate crime. The Scoop: How batty can you get? And the Beetle Goes On ...: A veedub-lover takes the new Beetle on the road to compare what's under the hood with what's behind the hype. Green Monster: Just when you thought being a vegetarian was safe, E. coli--the dreaded bacteria of the burger world--has been turning up in lettuce. Climbing Up on Capitol Hill: Check up on the your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators--where they stand, how they voted.
(Mis)Fitting In: Nicholas Philibert's documentary, Every Little Thing, about a theatrical production by patients at a French asylum is a thought-provoking cinematic work. Something Rotterdam: Oscar-winning Dutch director Mike van Diem talks about Character, his brooding new film about 1920s Rotterdam. One Very Big Ego: Michael Moore is full of himself in his new documentary, The Big One.
Spins: Reviews of the latest in African blues and grunge guitars, plus Smokin' Joe Kubek.
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