[Sonoma County Independent This Week]
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Best of Sonoma County


newspaper cover For the Week of
May 29-June 4

Cover: Up for Review
Law enforcement balks, but social justice advocates say recent spate of police shootings shows need for civilian police review boards.

News: Apocalypse Now
As the millennium approaches at warp speed, some environmental scientists say computer clocks will be the least of our troubles.

So Mobutu: Heidi Kriz' African adventures landing an interview with Zairean legend Marshal Mobutu Sese Seko--back when he was king.

Tortured Soul: Richard von Busack looks at a new graphic novel of the mystery genre's greatest gumshoe, Philip Marlowe. Plus, Allen Barra on a new biography of Raymond Chandler.

Lion's Roar: Trombonist Adam Theis leads pack of local young jazz lions.

Hot Dog!: Sausage get sizzling new style.

Talking Pictures: The two-headed testosterone von Hoffman brother hurricane buddies up to the manly action thriller Breakdown.

[Staff Box]

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