[ 'Best of' Index | Sonoma County Independent | MetroActive Central | Archives ]
Best Town Picks for Kicks
Best Place . . .
. . . to raise a stink:
. . . to not raise a stick:
. . . to go wading:
. . . to listen to classical music gratis:
. . . to get a mud bath:
. . . to not rent Total Recall:
. . . to find more squeeze boxes than big boxes:
. . . to realize that one way is not the only way:
. . . to pretend you're a Napa County big spender without crossing the county line:
. . . to gourmandize till you gag:
. . . to overlook the overpass:
. . . to find people making a historic plaza pedestrian:
. . . to be flooded with memories:
. . . to help crowd the road to
piscatory paradise:
. . . to hit the brake before you miss it:
. . . to get, bien sûr, a double olfactory dose--pinot et pesticide:
. . . to flush funds:
. . . to elevate your mind instead of your vine:
. . . to be a rebel without a cause (rated for teens only):
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