[Sonoma Independent This Week]
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Best of Sonoma County

newspaper cover For the Week of
February 13-19

Literary Quarterly

Cover: Hell Raiser
Jonah Raskin on Yippie leader Abbie Hoffman.

Call of the Wild: Bernie Krause tunes into nature's song.

Future Shock: Healdsburg author Jean Hegland scores a sci-fi hit.

Speed Reads: Synopses of new local books.

Barf-O-Rama: Gack for the next generation.

News: Mexico Barbaro
Cracks appear in the Mexican military wall as Army goes public.

The Scoop: Let's give a big hand for presidential lip service.

Ready for Re-entry: Seven years ago, comedian Rick Reynolds was a star on the rise. Now, after hiding out in Egg City, he's preparing for a network TV spot.

Talking Pictures: Renowned monologuist Josh Kornbluth sizes up Kenneth Branagh's wordy adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet.'

History is Made at Night: From 'Slacker' to his new 'subUrbia,' Richard Linklater sets his characters loose in the wee hours.

Bo Knows: The gospel according to Boozoo Chavis.

[Staff Box]

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